Yay colours! So now all I need is amazing felt pens in billions of colours... and a scanner! And possibly photoshop if anyone feels like giving me 800 some odd dollars :3

Also, thanks to Kellzo, I've been  drawing a lot lately. YAY! So you can expect a bunch more pics to come :D
So, I started playing Pokemon Platinum again today and despite the fact that I have some pretty amazing Pokemon and I only have one gym left, I fail at this game. Seriously, I had a youtube walkthrough, a type weakness/strength chart and Serebii open to help me play. Mind you, it has been forever since I've played. I really need to spend more  time training my Onix, who is for some reason named Roy... he kind of has to beat a gym all by himself soon... blah blah blah... 
Anyways, if you're a fan of the games/anime, check out Serebii HERE, is amazingness. 
...or don't listen, that's okay too. I don't realz have anything of interest to say right now, so here's another picture I drew :D This one's kinda dark... I really need to get a scanner ASAP.
I hate when I want to draw and the only characters I want to draw are A) not mine or B) Naruto OCs... I apologize for all the pics of Akira in advance. I love her, not my fault :P



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Okay, I said I would, so here I have. I drew something, not only something, I drew Kaja. I hate his front leg, but too bad. He's stuck that way now.

Also, once I get a scanner, everything will be much nicer-looking, but until then anything uncoloured is gonna be kinda bluish-grey.

xx A
I have returned! And I promise this will be the last time I talk about my contact. Yeah, there's only one. BUT I wore it for the first time today and it was freaking amazing. I even managed to get it in AND out of my eye without injuring myself :P 

So, on to more important things... I was reading Pokey's blog and I have discovered she is much more interesting that I am. While she has been playing games, I have been buying contact solution and  band aids. Doesn't help that all my friends are either sick or in a different country. How rude of them! lol 

I'm thinking I should probably get things done tonight, I have a list five miles long of things to do, but I'll probably end up doing my nails and reading my crap book that I hate. Maybe I should write a review of it, just so everyone knows how actually bad it is, seeing as FOR SOME STUPID REASON it was a New York Times best seller. Oh wait that's cos people don't know how to think for themselves and don't want to admit that they haven't read something that is oh-so-popular. Okay, rant over.

Aaaaanyway, thanks to Smokey, now I want to draw... which means nothing on that list is going to get done, but that's not really a surprise, I didn't want to do it anyway :) All right! It is decided. I will draw something, and next time I posty post, I will put up whatever I draw with it! 

Also, I'm watching Star Trek: The Next Generation, and I have to say it's kind of awesome. Mind you, it's Sci-fi AND Sir Patrick Stewart! Who, by the way, is wonderful. I love him almost as much as Sir Ian McKellen, which is probably why I loved the X-Men films so much. 

All right, goodbye for now fellow weirdos, I'm off to draw and not get things done ;)

xx A
So I guess I should write something, seeing as everyone else has and I'm still being a lazy butt and not doing anything. Peer pressure, people don't even have to say anything anymore. I am currently sitting here, watching a youtube video that will tell me how to get my contact lens out of it's bottle. It's been there since July, and I figure it's time it went in my eye instead. 

So unfortunately I've discovered I need a case to keep it in before it can come out of the bottle... add that to the shopping list for tomorrow. Anyway, now that I'm not doing anything interesting I need to think of something interesting to write about... I'm typing this all out and watching Resident Evil with my brother because in a week or so the new one is out, and I have to go see it in exchange for making my boyfriend watch the Avengers with me. Possibly over and over again. 

But seeing as I can't think of anything to say and Chelsea isn't being particulary helpful (:P) it looks like I'm running away for now and I'll be back when I can think of proper things to say :)

Also, I have always wanted to write letters and end them with A. I think I'm going to do that now.

xx A