So I feel like I have demi-died on here, which is not allowed, even though I have a good reason. And my reason: art, werewolves and germs. Yup, that about sums up my week so far, well, actually since Saturday morning. I started working on a new pic that I drew Saturday and it's still not done yet... :S Ohs wells, too bad for it. It'll get done eventually, probably a whole lot sooner now that I finished Teen Wolf season 1 and don't have the second season. Which makes for EXTREMELY sad pants. Or trousers. Don't say pants to people over here, it doesn't go well and they never let you live it down... anyways, about those germs my lovely Mummy gave me... yeah, they're great ]: I've been all caughy and sneezy since Saturday and on top of everything I had to pass the on to my boyfriend so I have no social life. Just the fam, which wouldn't be too bad if they were healthy and not working. So I have been sitting in my room drawing and hanging out with Scott, Stiles and Derek five days. No big deal, not like I had a life before anyways. 

However, today I did get some awesome news. Two awesome newses actually! First off, I got a message from my Canada Mum saying that their kitty came home after two weeks of being missing!! <3 AND THEN I GOT A MESSAGE FROM POKEY'S BOYFRIEND SAYING THAT I HAVE TO GO TO LONDON AND TAKE THEM WITH ME IN APRIL. Okay, that's not what he said, but that's what I want to happen. A theatre company from my.... region? is putting on a live action performance of Princess Mononoke and it's going to be performed in London in April!! So now I need someone to come with me, seeing as flights to the UK from Canada are not cheap. Sadface. 

ALSO the new Naruto manga is out today, and without giving anything away to Pokey, I will say that it's the first one I have liked since we found out about the masked man. THANK YOU KISHI FOR SOMETHING NOT HORRIBLY DEPRESSING OR ENRAGING. The only problem now is that I have to wait an entire week for the next one. Damn. This is why I hate Wednesdays. 

ALSO ALSO, I have a new idea for a story.  Not a very interesting one, just a RL one, but I may post bits and pieces on here as I go. I got Paloma Faith's new album (a while ago now, but still) and I've been listening to "Picking Up the Pieces" a LOT, which klind of inspired it, and seeing as I'm getting nowhere on any of my other stories, I figured I'd go with it. However, the stories I have on the go aat the moment are these:
  • Baby It's Cold Outside (A short Christmas story that I tend to work on only in the winter...)
  • An untitled Beatles musical
  • An untitled Bowie musical (poss to be called Let's Dance)
  • An untitled Depeche Mode musical (I like writing  musicals, did you notice?)
  • A random story based off a dream I had that has no title whatsoever other than Cabin.
  • A LOTR fanficish thing that I've been writing for like, seven years or something and never seem to get anywhere with.
  • A Harry Potter fic that has NOTHING to do with Harry if I can help it.
  • A random story about some guy called Darren and some girl who still has to real name - I've been calling her Lex for three years...
  • A story kind of loosely based on LOST, but not a proper fic
  • An 80s music story (amazingly, NOT a musical)
  • One about Pirates!! (Beth and Lola)
  • My Space Pirates story -- inspired by Firefly, among other things
  • My Naruto fic, which is the only one getting anywhere at all, though I change the entire plot every few months and can never decide whether Tetsu should be dead or alive. At the moment he's alive. 
  • And last but not least, well, there is the least of it as I haven't actually written anything for it yet but... I had this idea for a story where characters from all sorts of books, movies, video games etc get mixed up and end up in all the wrong worlds with all the wrong people. I'm excited to eventually work on it, but for now there's nothing. 

HOLY BUTTS. A. That's a lot of stories :S and B. I didn't mean to write nearly this much! LMAO!

Okay, so I'm off for now to work on that mass of procrastination... lol
Ta ta for now 

9/26/2012 03:15:19 am

Haha I enjoyed reading this post! And DAMN that's a lot of stories! I can relate but only partially cause that is a butt load.


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