Hello all this is my first bloggy. To the left I have a picture of my baby, Newton. He is a 1984 Pontiac Acadian and is currently hibernating in a garage at my great grandpa's old house. He loves sleeping and he finds it much more relaxing than driving all the time. Anyways, I don't have much to write about yet but I thought I'd introduce myself a little and maybe you'll get an idea of what I'll be writing about on this zine. I keep busy with my schooling, work, and other interests (Buffy, Dr. Who, music, etc). If it's nerdy than I probably like it. As most gamers know, the end of the year is full of exciting new games and we must all get our pre-order list ready! I'm on my Xbox daily and often dominating with my pal on the MW3 2v2 maps. My boyfriend, Kalvin, also games and together we play old school stuff, RPGs, MMOs, and shooters.  So, maybe I'll see you out there!

-Chelsea xx

9/8/2012 07:13:38 pm

yay first bloggy guy! happy pants dance!!!

9/9/2012 08:18:02 am

Yay for the pants of the happy! And the absence of the pants of the sad!


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