Helllllllooo everybody! I'm sorry I lied about working on the site and putting up new things. However, I have an okay excuse because the last few days I felt pretty bad and I'm still not sure whether what I have is serious or not, but I'm a little less worried and a little more confident that my tingly head feeling is actually stress related. Phew. Anyhow, I'm feeling particularly better at this moment because I have something to look forward to in the next five days - Kalvin coming home and Borderlands 2!  Lately I've been falling asleep in a dark, empty, creepyish house and the only thing that makes me feel better at night is The Guild, so that is why I have posted a picture of Felicia Day. The Guild is an excellent series which has short five to ten minute episodes and it's ALL on youtube and netflix so it is definitely worth checking out if you like gaming or just being an all round nerd. Which, I'm sure you do if you go on this site. Just sayin we're all really "cool" around here. Bwahaha. Anyhow, my next update is still going to be non-gaming related and possibly may or may not have to do with Dr. Who ;) Remember, go forth and pwn n00bs!

-C  xx

9/13/2012 02:04:49 pm

hey! my mom says I'm cool....

9/13/2012 10:54:13 pm

Your Mum is wrong... none of us are cool :P We're awesome!


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