Most Whedonites already know about the new live action series coming to ABC, but here at Screaming we are sometimes a little slow; nevertheless, this is important comic news and a brief overview is necessary! Currently we know that Joss is signed on with Marvel Studios and ABC with the pilot scheduled to be out around May 1, 2015. The series will be called "S.H.I.E.L.D." and will focus on Marvel's top secret defense organization. Whedon's site claims that he will write the pilot alongside his brother, Jed Whedon, and Maurissa Tancharoen (previously worked with Joss on Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog). However, Joss will only be involved on and off throughout the series as he has been "reserved the right to pepper in bits here and there", while Jed and Maurissa will be the showrunners.
    Not much else has been said about the series except that it will feature a whole new cast of characters. Some may be disappointed but ultimately (pun intended) this seems like a good idea as some of the well-known actors from the Marvel movies are busy with other projects. This way you don't get characters making brief cameos and disappearing for long periods of time. All in all, this is fairly exciting news. Personally, I'm stoked and a little scared because this is a huge project, but there are few people who could pull it off and one of them is Joss Whedon. Thoughts? Comments? Please post.

If you're interested in finding out the most up to date news on S.H.I.E.L.D. than click the link below.

-C xx

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