Yay!  first movie review is done!  lol.  I know, it's weird to get excited about a little thing like that, but I spent years unmotivated to do anything, but now I have something I feel passionate about, so I'm pleased with me.  : P  I'm just hoping the effort we're putting into this site pays off, and we get some friends who want to stick around and have random adventures with us!  I'll be putting up a forum once I figure out how, which will house, hopefully, many amusing things that will keep us oddities interested and interesting.  Maybe some fun debates, or extended group poetry.  lol.  Ok.  Off for the night, gonna pretend i know how to sleep again!  (ya, right.  : P)  

9/9/2012 08:19:44 am

Who needs sleep? You're never gonna get it.

9/9/2012 09:55:40 am

apparently i don't, cause, well, ya. I seem allergic to it. lol.


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