So, no link here, but a nice picture.  This only works in the facebook chat bar, maybe messages.  Won't work on posts or comments or anything.  I just had WAY too much fun flipping off half my friends randomly.  It was very pleasing to me.  Haha.  If you can't read it, it say to type [[ (above the " key, for those who don't know) then either midfing or iidislyk followed by ]] (above the enter/return key) try it!!!  Like I said, I just had WAY too much fun with it.  haha.

For all our Geeky McNerd friends that have yet to go to this site, shame on you.  This is one of the best places to get info on new superhero movies, comics and all the goodies presented in the world of geekdom.  Go.  Enjoy.  Geek out my friends!!!
This is a site for all those writers out there that get stuck trying to think of names. It covers first, middle, 2nd middle, AND last names. As well, you can specifically narrow down your search with the choices of masculine, feminine or ambiguous, and than to narrow it down even more you can choose the origin of your name. I found myself getting really excited when I tried out the literature button and a bunch of Lord of the Rings names popped up on my computer screen. My personal favourite, however, would have to be my rapper name - Queen 3000 Sugar Funk. Catchy, right? I was further delighted with my wrestler name, Cripple Lady Illbert. All in all, I find this site extremely helpful and a good way to waste time. Recently I bought Guild Wars 2 and it occurred to me that it would be useful for names in RPGs as well. Check it out and post your favourite results!
-C xx
I'm sure by now everyone and their dogs have seen this site, but I'm still gonna post about it anyways.  : P  
    If there IS anyone not in the know, Deviantart is a place for, well, anyone to post their artworks, photography, and nearly any other type of artistic endeavour for all the world to see.  (I have an account there, but I don't have much on it atm, been having blockages re: art work)  but we're all lovers of the arts, so I figure we should at least post a blurb about this site.  :) 

So I'm a craftaholic, and big on recycling, so I have a special love for recycled crafts.  I reuse everything that can be reused, and it drives my bf NUTS.  I was doing my usual rounds of net surfing, when I happened upon the perfect site for me.  Cut out and keep.  it features THOUSANDS of examples of recycled crafts, easily laid out, most with great instruction how to do them.  
