So this is a scene from one of my (many) random fan fics that I thought was pretty funny, and I was told to post.  I guess it would be set season 6 somewhere..  haven't decided exactly where yet, still working on it, so I'll decide that later.  All I have figured out at this point is that it is indeed in season 6.  Lol.  I made up a demon chick for Spike to date, 'cause I felt bad for him not getting any love, and he pretty much gets shite faced cause she stood him up (unintentionally) and he's all mopey.  lol. (excuse the grammatical mistakes and syntax errors, this is straight from my first draft, as of yet un-edited.  lol)

   When Spike left Buffy in the cemetary he decided he needed a stiff drink, so he headed straight to Willy's, sauntering casually up to the bar tossing a wad of bills on the counter, and ordering a bottle of JD.
   Willy scooped up the money and obligingly poured Spike his first shot, leaving the bottle in easy reach.  Spike downed the first shot then poured the second without pause, finishing it just as quickly.  
   A few hours and two and a half bottles later he had moved to the half circle corner booth he had met Izzy in two nights before, leaning half on the table gripping the bottle in one hand, the empty shot glass in the other. 
   Willy came around cleaning off the tables, noticing the state Spike seemed to be in. "Heya pal, what's got you so down?" he leaned casually on the table
   "m'not down, i'm...thinkin'. an' it's non'a yer bizness 'pal' so don' bother askin" was the mumbled reply from the surface of the table.
   "sure thing Spike, whatever you say man" Willy put his hands up and turned to leave Spike to his 'thoughts'
   Spike half sat up dropping the shotglass off the table and spoke with his hands in a very animated fashion "if she says she's gonna be here, then isn't, an' no ones seen 'er, and 'er friend calls 'er a freak, so you HAVE ta kill 'er, then ya don' think 'bout th'other one as much, 'cause a her, but she's gone.... what'sit mean?" Spikes very enthusiastic hand movements and not so detailed story had Willy turn back around very confused, staring at him, trying to make sense of the drunken tirade.
   "Eh, well?"  Willy sat next to Spike, who hadn't even noticed he lost the shot glass, instead just drinking straight from the bottle. "ok, she said she was gonna be here, but never showed?" Spike 'mmhmm'd between sips. "And, no one's seen her?" Spike belched in reply. Willy turned his head from the inebriated Vampire. "Lovely. And, you had to kill her friend?" he turned back to face Spike who was nodding dramatically. "Yup.  Staked the trollop.  Right. In. The. Heart." for emphasis Spike poked Willy in the chest at each word. "She was sayin' some nasty things, an' I wasn't about ta let that stand, so..." he let go of the bottle and raised his hands, wiggling his fingers. "POOF! Dusty little Vampire bitch bits, floating away on the wind" he giggled to himself a moment, then grabbed the bottle again, downing most of the rest in one go.  
   Willy just gave him a look. "Uh-huh." Spike shrugged his shoulders then slumped back onto the table.  Willy continued to try to grasp the story Spike told him. "So, then you're not thinking about someone 'cause of someone, but, she's gone?"  Willy folded his hands and looked at the pile of Vampire half sprawled on the table still managing to drink his booze.
   Spike finished off the bottle, slamming it back down, nearly breaking it. "EXACTY!" he pointed a finger at the very confused bartender, then looked away, sitting up slightly. "Exactaly. Extactly. Bugger." he looked back at Willy "That's right. So, what the bloody hell, mate? What's it mean then?" he now had his head leaning very loosely on one hand, fidgeting with the empty bottle with the other.  
   Willy just shook his head thoughtfully then looked at the figure approaching the table.  "Spike my friend, I have no idea.  But she might." And with that he got up, offered his seat to the girl, and headed back to the bar. 

     OK, I'm gonna end it there, or else I'm gonna post the rest of the stroy.  Lol.  So ya, that was my drunken Spike scene, I thought it was funny, and no one's sent us anything to post yet.  HAD to put something.  lol.               ~K

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